1.1 Bug fixing patch

1.1 bug fixing notes - 

Fixed the passive income text and values - previously was multiplying the amount using an incorrect number.

Fixed audio volume - previously started the music at full volume and applied options afterwards.

Accidentally had max difficulty clamped to a lower value - Difficulty was clamped to be between 0 and 5 behind the scenes, it's actually meant to be 7.

Fixed evac ships stopping outside of operation zone - ships that were going or returning to an evac operation would get automatic move orders to an x,y point outside of the operation. So you'd find that the unit was just idling instead of helping.

Fixed crashing occuring from selecting 2 units and giving an attack order - Specifically 2 units, not 1, not more than 3, just two. Ships find a target and provide it to their guns, and it's handled differently between single and multiple units.

"Ah great it's 3am again" ;O;

Get Earth Defence


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Oh right, also removed debug key commands I had left in, whoopsie