Hold my beer - Roadmap 1

If you can call looking 3 meters down the road a roadmap, then sure.

Now that the jam period is over I can apply more drastic updates, here's my current plan.

#1 Finish the current pass of ingame graphics (ship sprites, station sprites, projectiles), this is because it's easy and will keep the ball rolling.

#2 Make ships explode, the fact they just disappear atm is quite disappointing

#3 Make the main menu and tutorial text nicer, currently it's a giant block of text so I'll need to get that fixed up, at least enough to keel over until I gut the current systems and do a major gameplay shift.

#4 Bugfix engineer ships, currently they add too much build progress

#5 Make Freighters more helpful, might increase capacity or load speed

#6 Give evac ships fully automatic capabilities so they look for more planets to help out instead of piling up at the evac zone twiddling thumbs. This will also include some jenky buttons to change whether they help out the furthest or closest planet from the evac zone.

Stretch #7 Audio, The gamedev tv course I got was the audio sfx one, I'll go through that before promising anything.

Anyway that's the current plan, I'm not sure how long it'll take because there's some other stuff I have to sort out too.

Lemmie know down below if there's any thoughts or you want to bump up something on this list.

Get Earth Defence

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