Released 1.3 Hold my beer - Roadmap 1

Rather than procrastinate on audio and hold this back, I'm just going to release this update.

Major changes for 1.3 is the art, auto transports, tutorial, and music.

This update does *not* balance the game.

Here's whats up:


- Player ships slightly modified art

- Player defences and stations given slightly modified art.

- Enemy ships given different art and the colour pallete has changed so they don't resemble avocados.

- Enemy and player projectiles given a slightly different hue based on project

- Enemy and player ships blow up with decorative debris (not my finest work)

- Made earth a little better and parallax a bit

- Changed the title text and menu UI buttons.


- Changed music for the different levels and the title


- Fixed the enemies not spawning additional units (yay) (turns out it was trying to divide by 0 when the players or enemies have 0 ships)

- Fixed engineers contributing too much to building operation progress

- Increased Freighter carry capacity

- Added autonavigation for transports, so they automatically find the most left or most right station to evacuate once they're done.

- Added buttons for the autonavigation (just chooses most left or most right)

I think that's it, I better find a way to log all of this better.


Earth Defence 1.3 23 MB
78 days ago
Earth Defence 134 MB
78 days ago

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